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AX Pieris Japonica 'Andromeda'

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Show Name: AX Pieris Japonica
Call Name: Andromeda
Sex: Female

Birthday: November 19th, 2017

Date of Ownership: November 19th, 2017

Artist: deertush


Collar Color: Brass
Eye color: het. blue/brown
Phenotype: merle liver tan point with psuedo irish
Genotype: kk/bb/DD/ata/Ee/gg/spsi/tt/Mm

Parent: Foundation
Parent: Foundation


Personality: Andromeda is a very loyal soul. She goes out of her way to impress her handlers by doing her job well, and she proves just how expertly trained she is on a daily basis during their regular exercises. She's a bit of a show-off, always working harder and pushing herself to be better than the other hissans that she trains with. Whether it's speed, agility, or herding, Andromeda always has to be the star of the show and won't be satisfied without all eyes on her, yet she isn't one to brag or celebrate; she's a cocky, sly being more cunning than a fox, and you can see that inner drive and pride within her eyes, but she's outwardly very humble at the end of the day like her accomplishments were really nothing much. Part of this is because of her need to always improve as she doesn't view giving her all as being at the top of her game. She can always push a little more, run a little faster, do a little better, impress her handlers more, and she won't be satisfied with simply 'doing well' or 'doing better than yesterday'.


Mate: None

Breeding: Closed unless you're a friend ;v;










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